New Website for a Local Non-Profit

Key Features
- Redesigned the home page with the same branding elements of the logo
- Added the statistics and community impact of the organization
- Redesigned the Donation page

What We Did
- WordPress Website with ADA Compliance and language selector
- Easy Access to Become a Foster Parent
- Implement helpful FAQs
Fully Responsive

Beautifully presented
across all responsive
This website works well across all devices. Visitors can easily view and utilize the website on smartphones, tablets, and desktop PCs.
Background: Plummer’s mission is to set a standard of excellence that improves outcomes for young people in or at risk of entering state care by deeply engaging youth, families, and the systems that impact them to develop permanent family relationships, skills, and community connections.
To assist with Plummer’s mission, we created a cohesive home page highlighting Plummer’s mission, programs, community impact, and ways to get involved. To highlight their signature program, we added user-friendly FAQs and form for users interested in becoming foster parents.

Before And After