[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Facebook is an important marketing component for businesses of all sizes. Facebook is the world’s largest social network with over 1 billion users If utilized correctly, the social network can allow you to tap into your community and target markets, which can lead to potential customers in the future.
In case you weren’t aware, building your business page’s audience with likes should be the top priority in the beginning. Many times, business owners try to keep a clear line between their work and personal life, but social media does the opposite. Social media, especially Facebook, helps combine the two, into a world of communication, connection, and networking, to promote the business in a way like never before.Today, we wanted to share a social media tip, that will help build your fan base on your Facebook business page.
Invite Your Friends!
This is a simple, yet important tip for anyone who runs a Facebook page for a small business. Because your business has taken over your life, in a good way of course, why not share your life with your friends on social media? By inviting your own friends (and family) on Facebook to like the business’s page, you are only helping to build the business’s fan base. It is important to have employees share the business page with their friends and family on Facebook too!
Remember, Facebook is a networking tool, and it is important to use it for your small business. A majority of people have over one hundred Facebook friends that you can reach out to by inviting them to like your page. They will receive a notification of this request, and can decide to accept or decline. One they accept it, their friends, who differ from yours, can now see that they like your business. Since the “like” business page shows up in other people’s newsfeeds, it is now possible for more people to like your business page, and continue the cycle!
Tune in next week for another “Simple Social Media” to help build your social media. Learn how to make social media work for you and your business. If you find these tips helpful or would like help with your social media planning and management, please reach out to us.
At Tomo360, we are totally committed to making sure your business’s online presence is working hard for you.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]